Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Non-Profit Project: Preliminary Sketch Critique


1. What is your Non-profit?

My website is about the non-profit organization - American Red Cross.

2. What elements were important?

- Letting the audience know that this is a shopping website that helps people in need. The organization raises money from selling American Red Cross products and help people in need.
- The web should be interactive, formal but also easy to use.
- It should feature bestselling products to attract buyers.

3. What is the general 'feel' or 'look' you want?
- Using pastel colors to create a simple, light-hearted feel.

- Using pictures from the organization about helping others to emphasize to main message: friendly, cheerful. 


1. Does the layout make sense?

The layout and navigation are simple and easy to navigate users. I layout the most important elements first - emphasizing that the organization puts helping people first. It is their most important goal.
The second element is featuring their best products.
The last element is to update the audience with what the organization has been doing recently -  featuring news/their blog.
2. Are elements easy to navigate and locate.

The navigation is clear and in order. They are emphasized using color and are centered. 

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